Model scrisoare de intentie engleza

Vrei sa te angajezi intr-o multinationala?
Limba engleza este necesara in orice companie multinationala din Romania.

Cand aplici la un job postat de o companie multinationala, trebuie sa ai la indemana o scrisoare de intentie in limba engleza pentru a-ti maximiza sansele de a fi chemat la un interviu de angajare. Iti oferim mai jos un model de scrisoare de intentie in limba engleza.

Vezi model de scrisoare de intentie in limba engleza.


Dear Sir/Madame:

I’m writing this letter because I want to be part of your Sales Team.

I’m an ambitious person, very motivated to succeed in a multinational company.

My experience in online marketing, sales and customer services can be used to improve the results in your sales department.
I would also like to be given the opportunity of working in a competitive environment where I could use my skills and experience to fulfill both the goals and requirements needed and also my career.

I am available for an interview and I would be happy to provide you with further information. Please contact me at the mentioned telephone number or e-mail adress.



